[thelist] javascript problem

Warden, Matt mwarden at mattwarden.com
Fri May 17 19:56:27 CDT 2002

On May 17, Jeremy Weiss had something to say about [thelist] javascript problem

>Thanks to all for the advice on a form mail script.  Now I'm trying to
>implement a javascript verification script and I've run into another snafu.

[insert warnings about using client-side script for validation]

>	if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){
>		return true;
>	}else{
>		alert(alertMsg);
>		return false;
>	}
>Now, I've tried to just add a line like so...
>	if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){
>		return true;
>		NewWin=window.open('','NewWin','width=600,height=400')
>	}else{
>		alert(alertMsg);
>		return false;
>	}
> but it doesn't work.  The script still validates, but it never opens the
>new window.
>Anyone have any ideas?

yup. if you return, that's it. try opening the window on the line *before*
the "return true;" line.

that should do it.



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