[thelist] Scrollable table cell

David Dorward evolt at david.us-lot.org
Thu May 23 16:49:01 CDT 2002

On Thu, 23 May 2002 17:52:56 -0300
Amazon Paulo <Amazon.Paulo at Amazoniacelular.com.br> wrote:

> Put the content inside a div, like this:
> <td> <div id=scrollanle style="overflow: auto; height: 10;">This is
> my content</div> </td>
> You'll need to adjust the height, but it works really fine.

One of the adjustments you will have to make is adding units.

<td><div style="overflow: auto; height: 10em;">This is
my content</div></td>

David Dorward                                   http://david.us-lot.org/
HTML email is a bit like using coloured paper and glitter ink on a CV.

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