[thelist] Color Chooser Review

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Tue May 28 18:29:01 CDT 2002


> From: Tom Dell'Aringa
> Yes, turns out you can -- BUT, when you click the label
> you get a "selected" marching ants type box (but not
> marching) around the label. I didn't want that so i
> stuck with my solution, but if you don't mind that -
> it works.

no offense, but aesthetics is a ridiculous reason to make a form less
accessible/usable.  those "marching ants" are there for a reason.  they give
the keyboard user a visual cue where the focus is.  as a frequent keyboard
surfer and a power user, i'm constantly annoyed by developers that *still*
don't use labels forcing me to hit the tiny target that radio buttons and
checkboxes leave.  i often wonder if the designer/developer is the only one
that thinks the "marching ants" "ruin" their design.

if the site is for your own use, then what you want is important.  however,
if you're hoping to get others to use it, what you want is *much* further
down the priority list.  if you don't put what the user wants above what you
want, how can you expect them to give you what you want?

please reconsider your position on the issue of the "marching ants" and stop
trying to design around browser features.  doing so will only mire you down
in the intricacies of browser implementation and you'll lose sight of the
original goal -- putting schtuff online for others to access/use.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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