[thelist] PHP? ASPNet?

Mike King mike.king at redroom.co.uk
Thu Jun 6 14:38:37 CDT 2002

At 21:31 05/06/2002, Amy Johnson wrote...

>Also what does ASPNet buy me?

As has been mentioned in Dave's post ASP.NET gives you a strictly typed
language. Some might say it gives you a 'proper' programming language.
It also gives you speed advantages, part-compilation etc. Dave made a
comment about it being verbose and slower to develop with, I'm not sure if
that's really accurate, with the built in form components adding true cross
browser validation is as easy as adding a validation tag:
<input runat="server" id="txtRegEx">
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="valRegEx" runat="server"
         ControlToValidate = "txtRegEx"
         ValidationExpression = ".*@.*\..*"
         ErrorMessage = "* Your entry is not a valid email address"
         Display = "Dynamic" />*</asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

Much quicker than anything I've ever coded in PHP/Perl/ASP before  ;)

There's loads of examples of this sort of thing at http://asp.net/ and
sites linked from there.
I won't go into inheritance, reusability of code and how you can't write
spaghetti code simply because the compiler won't let you. (Which IS a good

I'm still only getting my feet wet with ASP.NET but I'm pleased so far.
And, it's made my ASP code better!

>  My main ISP doesn't support ASPNet and is hesitant to go with it for
> fear of messing up all their
>current ASP sites.

If you read the gumf about ASP.NET it runs side-by-side with ASP 3 (you
must be running Win2K >)
The settings for ASP.NET are all done in XML .config files and the current
ASP 3 settings don't interfere.

I've just moved my first .ASP site over to an ASP.NET server and there's
been not even a hint of a problem. You'll only start stumbling if you
rename any files to have a .aspx extension.


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