[thelist] Web-based wysiwyg html editors ?

Androse Rosewood auguste at mac.com
Thu Jun 13 08:16:01 CDT 2002

Vu "Re: [thelist] Web-based wysiwyg html editors ?", du 13/06/02 à 8:42 -0400 :
>http://www.labs4.com/go/index.php is a good place to start.  They've got a
>decent standalone editor for $12.


>We are working on a Mozilla-based version of a WYSIWYG editor
>for our LogiCreate.com app server, but Mozilla still basically sucks for
>this sort of stuff, and it'll be some time before it works even remotely
>as well as the IE/Windows component.

Are you using XBL, as they suggest it here :
Do you think there is any chance I can get something working in, say,
3 days ? I have never worked with the mozilla platform yet (XUL, etc).

This example :
...uses the IE5+/Win tag <htmlarea> to achieve exactly what i'm
looking to do, at least i think it does, because I don't have a
windows machine with me right now.

	- androse

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