[thelist] Validation > pressure on software companies??

Judah McAuley judah at wiredotter.com
Sat Jun 15 10:52:01 CDT 2002

Martin Burns wrote:
> The day that I see signs on the road refusing entry to cars over a few
> years old (and drivers happily complying) is the day I expect that to be
> accepted by most users.

I don't know about the rules of the UK, but in my part of the US we
don't allow all sorts of cars on the road.  Age isn't the criteria.  The
criteria is standards compliance (sound familiar?).  Your car has to
have certain safety features like seat belts, certain impact-rated
bumpers, etc.  And it also has to meet environmental standards for fuel
usage, exhaust emmissions, etc.  And they have to have an electronically
  limited speed capability.  There are many cars made in Europe and
elsewhere that aren't allowed to be sold here even if they are brand new.

Subaru, for instance, wouldn't sell the WRX in the US for several years
because they didn't feel that is was worth the effort to try and make a
version that was clean enough and had the right safety features to make
it worthwhile to sell here.  But after enough market pressure from
people on this side of the pond Subaru gave in and started making a
"compatible" version.  It's now one of their best selling vehicles over
here and has been making great inroads into the market.

I think that there is a moral in there somewhere for browser
manufacturers.  And yes, I think that CSS support is a "safety issue".
Using tables and font tags for layout increases the likelyhood of sudden
explosion like a Chevy Nova being hit from behind.

Enough with the car metaphors then.  Off to review the England vs.
Denmark match.


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