[thelist] Perl file reading problem.....

Keith cache at dowebscentral.com
Sat Jun 15 11:09:01 CDT 2002

At 06:22 PM Friday 6/14/2002, CDitty wrote:
>Hello all.  I am trying to read data in from a text file and if one 2
>conditions are met, increment a counter.  But I am having problems.  Half
>of it seems to work, but the rest doesn't.  All the needed variables are
>set by the time it reaches this section.
>Here is the file reading code.
># bob at bob.com|165|0|000|   This line is how the text file looks.
>open (LOGCOUNT, "crack_log.txt") || die "Can't open crack_log.txt file for
>flock (LOGCOUNT, 2); # Locks the file
>$logcountfile = <LOGCOUNT>; # Assigns the data from the file into an array
>         # bob at bob.com|165|0|000|
>         # email address, Play day, win/loss, guess
>         ($emailid,$play) = split(/\|/, $logcountfile);
>         if(($emailid == $emailaddress) && ($play == $play_day)){
>                 $total_plays++;
>         }
>flock (LOGCOUNT, 8); # Unlocks the file

3 problems
1) need to loop through the file
2) using numeric (==) comparison instead of string comparison (eq)
3) end loop (assuming large file)

<correct code>
open (LOGCOUNT, "crack_log.txt") || die "Can't open crack_log.txt file for
lock (LOGCOUNT, 2); # Locks the file
($emailid,$play) = split(/\|/);
         if(emailid eq $emailaddress){
                 if($play eq $play_day){
flock (LOGCOUNT, 8); # Unlocks the file
</correct code>

cache at dowebscentral.com

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