[thelist] Text/Background Readability

Gary Bland Gary at star-chaser.com
Wed Jul 3 14:55:01 CDT 2002

Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
> The question has arisen about changing the colors of my article pages
> (http://www.ballsome.com/test/games/hardware/articles/20011107-1.xml) from black
> text on a white background to white text on a black background. What
> implications does this have on readability and such? Would these potential
> consequences be worth it if it meant a more cohesive overall design? Any thoughts?
> -joeljkp

Ues an off color like a very light gray or a light almost white yellow.
Black on white is not as hard on the eyes but you still get burn out.
Magazines use an light yellow stock to stop this from happening.


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