[thelist] Offline code validation tools

James Newbery jamesnewbery at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 11 07:18:01 CDT 2002

Hello listers,

I'm looking for a quality, useful, usable HTML, XHTML
and CSS offline validation tool. Quite honestly, I
can't be bothered trying all of them to find which one
is the best. Lazy, I know.

But this is because I respect your opinions. Who has a
tupenny's worth of advice on the matter?


<tip type="accessibility" author="Jim Newbery">

When striving for improved accessibility on your site,
don't forget to mind your language! People with
cognitive and language disabilities are too often

- Keep it simple! Can you say the same thing in a
clearer, more concise way?

- Use short, succinct sentences, in short, succinct

- Use bullet points where possible.

- Highlight key words and phrases using semantic

- Try not to introduce too many ideas at once.

- Separate different topics semantically and visually.

- Use numbered lists for sequential steps or

- Use meaningful and simple images if they help people
to understand the meaning of the text.

- Split content into manageable chunks over a number
of pages


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