[thelist] CF: Advanced? How do you know?

Raymond Camden jedimaster at macromedia.com
Thu Aug 1 07:49:01 CDT 2002

>  - lists
>    - for performance, what should you do prior
>      to looping over the contents of a list?
>      convert it to an array using the ListToArray()
>      function.
>    - how would you determine how many words are in a
>      string?  ListLen(myString, " ")

I'd also ask them to state a case where this would fail. For example:
"The quick brown dog jumped over the rat.He was a bit silly and made a
few typos."

>    - is there a difference between these two lists --
>      "a,b,c,,e,f,g" and "a,b,c, ,e,f,g" besides the
>      space between the commas?  the first has one
>      fewer elements than the second.

Back to lists - I'd ask them "Can you use +- as a delimiter?" When they
say yes, ask if they know what will happen. If they think the delimiter
is the character string +-, then they get a point off.

>   - what scopes are *not* exposed as structures?
>     variables, server, caller

In CF5 and earlier. In CFMX, they are structs. :)

Also, I noticed you didn't mention locking. This is _so_ important in
CF, especially in earlier versions. (You may have mentioned it and I
just didn't see it.)

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Macromedia

Email    : jedimaster at macromedia.com
Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda

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