[thelist] Line Break in Titles

Mark Gallagher mark at cyberfuddle.com
Mon Aug 12 01:47:13 CDT 2002

lon.kraemer wrote:
>>Is it possible to add line breaks in the titles of links and images?
> Here's two ways I know of:
> #1 Using ASP.
> <% title="This title " & vbCrLf & "should break" %>
> <a href="file.html" title="<%= title %>">link1</a>

Won't that simply send option 2?

> #2 A hard return in your actual markup.
> <a href="file.html" title="This title
> should break
> twice">link2</a>

Which is actually a bug (AIUI) in Internet Explorer.  You'll notice that
(AFAICT) no other browser supports this.  Opera treats the line break as
a space, and Mozilla puts in ugly pipe thingies.

A line break shouldn't affect the title.

Mark Gallagher
Desperately attempting - and failing - to stay on topic since 1999
fuddleriffic - http://cyberfuddle.com/
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