[thelist] making friendly urls

matthew garrett matthew.garrett at snet.net
Mon Aug 19 08:39:16 CDT 2002

> From: "rudy" <r937 at interlog.com>

> so if someone requests http://rudy.ca/lookupinthesky.html, the archive page
> gets called because that file doesn't exist!!  the archive page takes the
> filename, does a lookup in the database, displays the article if it exists,
> and if it doesn't, only then does the archive page issue the "oops" (404)
> message

Hey Rudy,
Finally a chance to ask about what I've always wondered: On a shared Windows
server where is your custom 404 coming from? It's not just a customized
"error template" in CF is it? And if so, is that "bullet proof" for all

I've assumed that you had to have a true custom 404 page that then processed
the URL. So, in IIS (or whatever) designate a 404 that has CF code in it?
Can one usually designate a 404 page with FTP only access, or do I have to
request that of the server admin?

Whatever it is, I'm ready to implement on my very next project...
matt g

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