[thelist] CSS lists line height

Erika Meyer emeyer at lclark.edu
Thu Aug 22 13:21:17 CDT 2002

>hi erika

hi rudy!

>some may tell you to apply margin or padding to LI , or maybe UL, or UL LI,
>or Ul, LI, or perhaps even UL > LI
>don't do it

don't do it because it's invalid, or because it wrecks havoc with some browser?
(my CSS is @ import, no navigator 4, if that makes a diff)

>list items can contain block items, so just use <p>...</p> inside

really... I didn't know that, actually.

>the only time you want them spaced out is when the list items contain so
>much text that the entire list looks like one huge monolithic block, so you
>want something resembling paragraph spacing...
>... which you get after realizing that the large block of text inside each
>list item is actually a paragraph and coding it as such...

makes sense. yes, I'm having monolithic block issues -- you're
right... those *are* paragraphs!


>i have nothing against style sheets, in fact i heart style sheets
>however, a solution that is even simpler than messing with style sheets has
>unresistable appeal for me

Whether messing with HTML is simpler or messing with a style is
simpler is debatable in this case.  But the <p> thing makes logical
sense.  And since it is also valid, it is probably the best solution.

Thanks again,


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