[thelist] CDONTS and looping through an array

darren darren at web-bitch.co.uk
Thu Aug 29 06:34:01 CDT 2002

On Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 20:56, Ingrid Z wrote:


IZ> Problem is, I want the email generated from the page to 'nicely'
IZ> display the list, as well as general information. So my question is
IZ> this - Should I use an array to capture the Page Names, then loop
IZ> through it again in my CDONTS subject?

i like arrays, so i'd say yes.

but you can greatly enhance this part...

IZ> 'loop through the results, and put the names in an array
IZ>  Dim holder(20)
IZ>  i = 0
IZ>  DO WHILE NOT rstemp.eof

IZ>   holder(i) = rstemp("LinkName")
IZ>   i = i + 1

IZ>  rstemp.MoveNext
IZ>  Loop

by simply doing:

   if not (rsTemp.EOF or rsTemp.BOF) then
      holder = rsTemp.GetRows
      ' you have no records
   end if

you now have a 2d array with the link name in the second column.  you could
also use this to get your count with:

   numberOfPages = ubound(holder(1)) + 1

you need to add one as the array is zero-based, which would save a database

to build the string for the email you could have something like:

   const PageName = 1
   for i = 0 to ubound(holder(1))
      emailBody = emailBody & "   " & holder(i, PageName) & vbCRLF



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