[thelist] Dumb Question

Karen J. Bowen lists at miinx.com.au
Fri Sep 6 22:33:01 CDT 2002

Melissa Walker and Jason Million wrote:
 > Is there a easy way to make any picture that is linked to directly to
 > open up within the frame - and not by itself.

Hi Melissa,

As everyone here will tell you, there is no such thing as a dumb question :)

There are a few different ways to do what you're wanting, and this
article goes through a few of them quite thoroughly (and at some
length): http://tech.irt.org/articles/js126/index.htm

Essentially, and assuming your user is allowing javascript, when a page
is called you firstly need to check whether the top level frame contains
your frameset, then if not, store the requested page address, load your
frameset and reload the requested page in the appropriate frame.

Something like this (assuming your frameset page has 2 frames with the
2nd being the one you need your content in):

if (top != "myframeset.htm") {
	var path = location.href;
	top.location = "myframeset.htm"
	top.frames[1].location = path

Hope that helps,
Miinx Design & Development
e :: karen at miinx.com.au
p :: 0413.880.302
w :: www.miinx.com.au

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