OT - Yahoo's page ( was RE: [thelist] S-11)

Jay Blanchard jay.blanchard at niicommunications.com
Wed Sep 11 11:02:00 CDT 2002

Come to think of it, is there any CSS command that would gray out a
whole page? Something like

	body { color-variant: grayscale }

..or is this just wishful thinking?

Think multiple stylesheets where all of the elements contained in one are
contained in the other, just with different attributes (such as color,
etc.). Rename the current one to stylesheetname.css.old, then name the one
you want in use stylesheetname.css

When the event is over you could go through the renaming process and nothing
has to be touched on the HTML side.


* Texas PHP Developers Conf  Spring 2003            *
* T Bar M Resort & Conference Center                *
* New Braunfels, Texas                              *
* Contact jay.blanchard at niicommunications.com       *
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