[thelist] NS6+ only CSS

Kristof Neirynck k.neirynck at belgacom.net
Sun Sep 15 17:52:01 CDT 2002

Peter-Paul Koch wrote:
>> html>head+body #yourid { ns6+ and Mozilla only stuff here }
> Though this selector indeed doesn't work in IE Windows 5.5 and 6, it does
> work in IE Mac, Opera and Konqueror, so it's not a unique Mozilla
> identifier.
 > Besides, IE 5.0 will decide to ignore the weird > and +, read the style
 > as a
 > perfectly comprehensible
 > html head body #yourid {}
 > and will apply the styles.

body child of head?
Seems a bit far fetched.
Just to make sure this doesn't pose a problem...

make sure your html tag contains dir="ltr"
the first line of your inline css should be
@import url("theCSS.css");
and inside theCSS.css:
@media screen {
   html[dir~=ltr]>head+bod\y #yourid {
     voice-family: "\"}\"";
     voice-family: inherit;
     # comment (don't copy)
     # styles for NS6+ go here
     # these styles are hidden to the extreme
     # I used this once to get my friends to use Mozilla
     # I call it "der Endlösung"
     # end of comment
/* */

a good reference for hiding css is

If this doesn't work ... just use a browserdetect (or give up)


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