[thelist] Centering / positioning a popup

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Sun Oct 6 10:54:01 CDT 2002

At 08:34 AM 10/6/2002, fstorr wrote:

>How can I position a pop up window up against the right hand margin of
>the screen?  I've seen examples where you can position a window, say
>10px from the top and 50px from the left, but I need one to be tight
>against the right hand edge.
>Secondly, the same question, but with the pop up centered.

You need to grab the screen size and massage from there. Here is a JS
script I use to Center, should be easily modifiable for your other needs.


function openCtrWindow(theURL,winName,winWidth,winHeight,otherFeatures) {
   var x = 0;
   var y = 0;
   x = (screen.availWidth - 12 - winWidth) / 2;
   y = (screen.availHeight - 48 - winHeight) / 2;
   if (otherFeatures != "") {otherFeatures = "," + otherFeatures}
   var features = "screenX=" + x + ",screenY=" + y + ",width=" + winWidth
                + ",height=" + winHeight+",top="+y+",left="+x+"'"
                + otherFeatures;
   var popWindow = window.open(theURL,winName,features);
Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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