[thelist] mysql question

Simon Lee simon.lee at leapforward.net
Wed Oct 16 12:40:00 CDT 2002

> Hello,
> I have a certain search that I need to perform that searches
> for items in multiple tables. How would I combine the following query
> select item_id from tableA WHERE item_review='$search_term';
> select item_id from tableB WHERE description='$search_term';
> Can these be combined to return results from both tables?
Yes and No Kevin.

The following SQL string would work...

$sql = "
	select item_id from tableA WHERE item_review='$search_term'
	select item_id from tableB WHERE description='$search_term'

BUT...one of the many 'features' of MySQL is that it doesn't support the
UNION construct, so you'll have to create a temporary table to return
the results, or run separate queries.....or use another db e.g.
PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.


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