[thelist] Embedded Object

MarsHall evolt at marsorange.com
Tue Oct 29 13:24:01 CST 2002

On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 01:03 PM, <djinn at darkdesigns.org>
> What is your opinion on the feasibility of using an embedded object to
> display a webpage as though it was in an Iframe?

You think iFrames have poor support in various old browsers? Embedded
Objects will be problematic too.

The suggestion made to use three vertical frames within a single
scrolling frame sounded the most feasible to me (outside of the fact
that I normally eschew frames).

The frames would work in all browsers.

See my beautiful ASCII rendering below for an illustration of what I
have in mind: (Requires monospaced typeface)

|  Parent Frame (to scroll whole page)   |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |           |            |           | |
| |           |            |           | |
| |  Frame1   |   Frame2   |   Frame3  | |
| |           |            |           | |
| |           |            |           | |
| |           |            |           | |
| -------------------------------------- |

Is this the layout you have in mind?

Mars :)

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