[thelist] Contracts

Daniel Fascia danfascia at totalise.co.uk
Wed Jan 8 15:42:05 CST 2003

>I was just wondering if anyone can share with me what they
>typically place inside a contract between themselves [the web
>developer] and the client.

Personally I provide a sheet describing all work to be done and
number of hours it will require and the hourly rate to be charged.
With a signature at the bottom for them to agree to it all...

Then I provide an actual formal contract letter which breaks down
payment into 3 stages, start fee of half total; interim payment
1/4 and final payment 1/4. I also define goals at which point these
shall be paid (i.e. graphic design all approved)

>From being shafted in the past I also always now include what my
definition of 'correction of work within reasonable time and effort
constraints' is so that they dont keep asking me to split hairs for

And of course my signature dated and witnessed and theirs at the
bottom. If possible its better to do the signature in person...

Hope taht helps a bit but bear in mind I am just a freelancer so your
requirements may need to be more legally binding. I took advice from
a friend who is a lawyer but there are some good generic packages to
be had on the net...



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