[thelist] Problem importing 1 XML file into another using DTD entity

Nick Freear nfreear at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 14 04:10:01 CST 2003


I have an XML file representing a software product
which imports a 'component' XML file using an ENTITY:

<!DOCTYPE product SYSTEM "ModuleList.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY Time_Limited SYSTEM ".\TimeLimited.xml">
<product >
    <foo />

Its apparently not possible to put a DOCTYPE in the
'component' file in order to import a 'module' XML
file using an ENTITY - my XSLT parser complains.  Is
there a way of importing an XML file without a DOCTYPE
statement, or is there a DTD trick that will allow
both DOCTYPE statements to coexist.  Thank you

Nick Freear

( I'm new to this list so I hope this problem is
within 'thelist's remit.  I'm a Software Engineer and
XML developer for a small UK software company. )

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