[thelist] methods for creating a history table

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Fri Feb 7 11:24:01 CST 2003

> What I'm thinking right now is that I might need to match the old data
> with the new data and create an array with the names of the columns
> that don't match. But I don't really want to have to do that.

yeah, that'd be awful

bite the bullet, create one history table per table that it's, um,

do not use a separate autonumber as the primary key of this history table,
rather, use the same primary key values as the original table, plus a

thus, if your original table is

   create table foo
    ( id integer  auto_increment
    , bar1  ...
    , bar2  ...
    , primary key (id)

then your history table would be

   create table foohist
    ( id integer
    , changeType char(1)
    , changeDate datetime
    , changedBy varchar(30)
    , bar1  ...
    , bar2  ...
    , primary key (id, changeDate )

by the way, a comment about the mysql INTEGER(M) datatype

an integer is an integer and will always store in 4 bytes no matter how many
digits it has

the "display length" parameter M seems to have no effect

for portability, i recommend INTEGER without this non-standard attribute


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