[thelist] tying events and styles together in JS?

Duncan O'Neill dbaxo at ihug.co.nz
Wed Feb 19 18:26:00 CST 2003

Tom Dell'Aringa wrote:
> Heres a question,
> Say I have a page where I want every table row to have a onmouseover
> and onmouseout event, in order to change the color of the row - so I
> am doing this:
> <tr onmouseover="this.className='on';"
> onmouseout="this.className='off';" class="trHighLight">Stuff</tr>
> If this is a page with 30 rows, thats a lot of code. If I have 10
> pages that have this behavior, you get the picture.
> Is there some way either in JS or otherwise that I can specify this
> behavior for a TR instead of each time in the actual tag? It would be
> even better if I could do it only for the TRs where a certain class
> is.


I've done this on several pages with h3 headings, so
I guess it's do-able for <tr>s.

I'm juts going to copy and paste the code, and hope it
makes sense to you, comments and all. Watch the wraps. :-)

You can see it in action here:

and another version:

/* clickShowOK is a boolean variable to detect whether
    the browser will be able to cope with this
if (clickShowOk){
                  h = document.getElementsByTagName("h3");
				 if (h.length==0)
      for (var i=0;i<h.length;i++){
original_headings[i] = h.item(i).innerHTML;// collect the original headings
		                                       h.item(i).innerHTML = '+ ' +
h.item(i).innerHTML; // add a plus sign to them

h.item(i).onclick = showHide;   // assign a function to the click event

h.item(i).onmouseover = function () {this.style.color = '#' +
'cc6600';}//assign function
		                                       h.item(i).onmouseout = function
(){this.style.color='#' + '990000';}//assign function

// This does the show and hide of the sections under the headings
function showHide(){
// find out which heading has been clicked
var j=0;
while (this.innerHTML != h.item(j).innerHTML){j++;}

// change the mouseout function reference
this.onmouseout =  function () {this.style.color = '#' + 'cc9933';}

//change the color of the heading
this.style.color='#' + '333333';

// get a reference to the next object which is the div
if (document.all && !isMac){// for IE Windows
				 var nextObj=this.nextSibling;
else             {// for W3C compliant browsers
			     var nextObj=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;

//change the divs' display property and the headings' color
	if (nextObj.style.display=='block'){
// the following line just adds the '+' when the content is hidden
									  this.innerHTML = '+ ' + original_headings[j];
	else                              {
	                                   nextObj.style.display = 'block';

//the following line just adds the '-' when the
content is hidden									   this.innerHTML = '- ' + original_headings[j];



Duncan O'Neill

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