[thelist] Adding extra zeros to dollar amounts when neccesary

Kevin webmaster at websitesupdate.com
Thu Feb 27 23:45:17 CST 2003

> Would anyone be able to outline a method (in ECMA/javascript ideally) by
> which I could add extra zeros to a numeric value to display a dollar
> correctly?
> Example: 5 into 5.00
> To someone who's only dabbled occasionally in client-side scripting, your
> help would be invaluable!
> Much thanks in advance,
> Ryan

Here is a perl version, if you decide to go with the server side route:

sub dollify ($) {
 my $text = reverse sprintf "%.02f", $_[0];
 $text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
 return '$' . reverse $text;

print dollify(5);

> $5.00

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