[thelist] JavaScript: cannot assign to a function result

Seb seb at members.evolt.org
Wed Mar 5 18:36:01 CST 2003

>This function just grabs the value of a radio button group using the
>GetRadioValue function. So, how do I get the result of GetRadioValue into
>the current iteration of glcodesub?
>function SaveRadioValueGLCodeSub(RadioGroup, j)
>         strGLCodeSub = "window.document.theForm.glcodesub" + j + ".value"
>         eval(strGLCodeSub = GetRadioValue(RadioGroup));

Try this:

>function SaveRadioValueGLCodeSub(RadioGroup, j)
>         strGLCodeSub = "window.document.theForm.glcodesub" + j + ".value"
>         eval(strGLCodeSub) = GetRadioValue(RadioGroup);

- seb


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