[thelist] Content Management Book Recommendation

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane at xtrinsic.com
Thu Mar 13 14:43:25 CST 2003

On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 08:08:51AM +1300, Paul Bennett wrote:
> I have heard good things about "Information Architecture : blueprints 
> for the web" by Christina Wodtke
> While this covers IA rather than CM, there may be some good tips to help 
> you structure the information you are storing backend
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0735712506/103-3104508-2138268?vi=glance

If you're going to pick up a book on IA get Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld's Information
Architecture for the WWW.
It is hands down a more complete book on IA. Wodtke's book is nice, but I
gave it to my dad (who's a master craftsman and works with wood) as a nice
easy introduction to some of what I do for a living. I bought it thinking
I'd recommend it to my students and I just found it wasn't up to par with
other books in the same price range.


Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]

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