[thelist] ASP: object read only?

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Fri Jul 11 15:56:20 CDT 2003

At 12:52 PM 7/11/2003, Casey Crookston wrote:
>Two questions.
>First, I'm trying to update a record in my db (Access) and it keeps telling
>me the object is read-only.  I thought that by specifying adLockOptimistic I
>was making in not read only.  What else do I need to do? (See entire code
>block below)

Make sure the web server has rewrite access to the directory AND the target 
DB file.

>Second, I'm aware that this is the clumsy way to go about this process and I
>would much rather just update the record from the SQL statement, but I'm not
>sure of the VBScript syntax.  Any suggestions?  The query would look like
>this: "UPDATE texts SET block = '"&block&"' WHERE text_id="&text_id" but
>again it's the VBScript that I'm unsure of.

try this way:

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="../adovbs.inc" -->
   Dim Connect, rcrdSet, Query, text_id, text, varStatus
   text_id = trim(request("text_id"))
   block = trim(request("block"))
   Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   Connect.Open "boser_db"
   Query = "Update texts Set block = '" & EscapeDBData(block) _
         & "' WHERE text_id = " & EscapeDBData(text_id)
   Connect.Execute Query,varStatus

   if varStatus = 1 then
    '' successful update of record
   elseif varStatus = 0 then
    '' Failed to update record
     '' Something went way wrong ;-P
   end id

Function EscapeDBData(varDataLine)
     if not(varDataLine = "") then
                 varDataLine = Replace(varDataLine,"'","''",1,-1,1)
     end if
         EscapeDBData = varDataLine
End Function


Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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