[thelist] NN4.x and IE4.x

M.G. Noriega manuel at simplelogica.net
Thu Jul 24 05:54:52 CDT 2003

El mié, 23-07-2003 a las 23:39, Sharon F. Malone escribió:
> Rudy:
> You mention that <div> is a gateway tag. What is a gateway tag? 
> And is <div> something to be avoided now? If so, under what circumstances?
> Thanks,
> Sharon

Sharon, what rudy is refering to is that <div> is the generic block
element, just as <span> is the generic inline element. They are meant to
be used just when there's no appropiate element per the spec for marking
up whatever you are dealing with.

This drives easily to abuse and in the most extreme cases you'll end up
marking every block element as a <div> when it should be a
<p>,<blockquote>, etc...

So, everytime you are going to add a <div> ask yourself if there's no
other more semantic alternative. 90% of the time the answer will be
'yes, there is'

Same for <span>


Manuel González Noriega
Simplelógica, construcción web @ http://simplelogica.net
Logicola es el weblog de Simplelógica http://simplelogica.net/logicola/

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