[thelist] Weird DOM rendering with Mozilla....

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Wed Aug 6 16:15:29 CDT 2003

I've been playing around with the DOM and JS, and found an anomaly with 
making rows of a table appear and disapper under Mozilla.


The above page is a basic form with text fields and a select field. 
Selecting "Appear" from the list will make an additional text file appear. 
Under IE it all works as expected. Under Mozilla (1.3) the re-appearance of 
the row is not "optimal". In fact if you select "Hide", space is left over, 
e.g. the table does not shrink down. So the next time you select "Appear" 
the table 'grows' longer, appending unused space to the appearance area.

This is just a test for investigation - but I'm interested in hearing if 
other people have seen this behaviour when working with table rows?
Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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