[thelist] Friday hlp! A reasonable scaled progression for H1 h2 h3 h4

John C Bullas jcbullas at nildram.co.uk
Fri Oct 17 04:02:14 CDT 2003

At 09:38 AM 17-10-03, David Dorward wrote:

>On Friday, Oct 17, 2003, at 09:25 Europe/London, John C Bullas wrote:
>>But if you have use fontsizes in points elsewhere in your CSS sheet
>Why do you have to have font sizes defined in points elsewhere in the 
>style sheet?

For rather large banner text on the tops of some pages, would it be better 
to define heights/sizes in pixels?

>Its highly inappropriate for use on screen (not least because most 
>browsing environments are not set up to handle them correctly), see the 
>Wiki link at the end.



Q1 what/where would 100% be ( what "size" is the default derived from usually?)

looks ike this CSS change can be easily implemented!!!!!

Sorry to be such a klutz on this one, I might just try removing the H1 css 
references and replacing the point calls
with percentages

http://www.elsid.co.za/download/css_fontsizes.htm   is excellent

Question 2: If I had to choose one system, what would be best?

#1 Absolute font size, large x large, xxlarge
#2 Percentaging (%)
or #3 Relative units, 0.5em, 0.75em     t

I need to revise the CSS on 3 sites :)


******************* John C Bullas **************
Transportation Group
School of Civil Engineering and the Environment
University of Southampton
    Tel +44 (0)2380 59 2192   Fax +44 (0) 2380 59 3152

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