[thelist] Regex and converting HTML tags to lower case

Bruce MacKay b.mackay at massey.ac.nz
Sat Nov 8 04:44:12 CST 2003

Hi folks,

New to regex and predictably I am encountering a problem.  I want to 
convert all HTML tags to lower case.

I can identify the tags in regex, but I cannot find any online examples of 
using that info to convert the tags to lower case.

function fnLowerCaseHTML(strHTML)
   Dim objRegExp, strOutput
   Set objRegExp = New Regexp
   objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
   objRegExp.Global = True
   objRegExp.Pattern = "<(.|\n)+?>"
   strOutput = ?????
   fnLowerCaseHTML = strOutput
   Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Function

Can anyone help me?  Is it possible to do what I'm trying to accomplish 
with regex?



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