[thelist] [tip] stop servers caching your dynamic pages

Paul Bennett paul at teltest.com
Mon Nov 10 17:16:26 CST 2003

<tip type="stopping browser / server cache">
Aside from the nocache and expiry headers / meta tags, if you do not 
want servers (like WAP gateways) or browsers (like WAP browsers) to 
serve cached files from an application, add something like this to the 
end of your url (PHP)
$url = '.....&amp;nocache='.rand ().'">Get me a new page</a>';

This will guarantee that the browser / gateway actually does request the 
page to be processed.

(Unless the random string is the same as last time but it has worked 
flawlessly for me so far ;) )

Paul Bennett
For your free report: 
"10 time-killing web development mistakes and how to avoid them"		

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