[thelist] Proper way to append to a links onclick handler

Roger Ly evolt at matchpenalty.com
Tue Nov 25 12:07:57 CST 2003

>document.links[i].onclick = function() {document.links[i].onclick;

Thanks Tom,

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to do the trick for me either.

I was able to get it to partially work using the technique described on
PPK's site, but I am still having some issues.

If you check out http://www.legalanarchy.com/onclick.html you'll see an
example site.

The links used to open up the popup windows I had defined with the
onclick handler I described in my previous post.  Then, I have an onload
handler which appends to the onclick handler that may or may not exist
for each link on the page:

function initializeClicks()
	if (document.links)
		// from PPK's www.quirkmodes.org site
		var oldClick = (document.links[0].onclick) ?
document.links[0].onclick : function() {};

		// this almost works as I would expect.
		// the original onclick handler for link[0] returns
false, so it can suppress
		// the following of the href (it was originally designed
to popup a new window
		// using javascript
		document.links[0].onclick = function() { doClick();
oldClick(); }

		for (var i = 1; i < document.links.length; i++)
			var oldClickLoop = (document.links[i].onclick) ?
document.links[i].onclick : function() {};
			document.links[i].onclick = function() {
doClick(); oldClickLoop();}

First link:
<a href="popup.html" target="popup" onclick="alert('blah');return

In the above code, I have a temporary variable which stores the onclick
handler of the first link.  Then I create a new anonymous function that
combines both the new handler, as well as the old one.  Right now, the
first link performs both handlers, but has a weird side-effect of not
returning false as defined in the link's original onclick handler.  As
such, once the doClick() and the alert() get fired, the link continues
and follows the href and opens a new window (which I don't want it to
do... keep in mind that the original code had a window.open() command
instead of the alert() that is there now, so a popup window would have
already been opened... I don't want another one to open as well).

Anyways, even if that is handled correctly, the remainder of the links
which are handled in the for loop don't exhibit the behavior I would
hope them too.  Namely, each link ends up with the onclick handler
assigned to the last link in the page.  I assume this is because the
temp variable I have created within the for loop remains in scope
throughout the course of the entire for loop, and doesn't get destroyed
within each iteration of the for loop.  So, in the last iteration, the
oldClickLoop variable gets assigned the value of the onclick handler of
the last link, and therefore all the previous links get the onclick
handler of the last link, instead of their original value.

One thought would be to store an Array of all the onclick handlers,
indexed by the index of the actual link on the page, and reassign the
handlers with the values in the Array, but there has to be any easier
way, doesn't there?

Again, any help would be much appreciated.




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