[thelist] Seeking Blog

s t e f notabene at f2o.org
Mon Dec 1 13:21:11 CST 2003

<quote who="Hershel Robinson" when="01/12/03 19:09">

> Can anyone recommend blog software that produces valid HTML/CSS and uses
> CSS-based layout and is easy to install (more important than an extensive
> feature list) and will run on a Win 2K server? I can install any server side
> scripting I need on the server and we already have at least 3 database
> options on the server.

I heard only good things about dotclear <http://www.dotclear.net/>, 
although I'm not sure it comes packaged with english (it's a french 
initative), and about XULit! <http://xulit.com/>, which speaks english 
and produces valid xhtml.

Never tried those myself, though.

s t e f

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