[thelist] Need Server-Side ASP script

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Mon Dec 1 20:06:02 CST 2003

At 04:36 PM 12/1/2003, Sam Carter wrote:
>I need to implement a server - side "include" function in ASP which will
>calculate a filename, then include the selected file into the HTML source
>Does anyone have a good example script that will read a specified file name
>and write it to the HTML output?

Here's some real olde code I had laying around...Watch for line wrap.

varIncludeFile = "default file"
varURLKey = "default key"

IncludeFile varIncludeFile,varURLKey

'' Read Include File Sub Routine
'' Required Info Passed to Function: (varIncludeFile,varURLKey)
''   varIncludeFile = File to Output to the Browser
''   varURLKey = URL Query Key to look for
SUB IncludeFile(varIncludeFile,varURLKey)

     varTopicURI = ""
     if (Request.QueryString.Count = 1) then
         if not (lcase(Trim(Request.QueryString(varURLKey))) = "" OR _
                  isNull(lcase(Trim(Request.QueryString(varURLKey)))) ) then
             varTopicURI = lcase(Trim(Request.QueryString(varURLKey)))
             varIncludeFile = varTopicURI
         end if
     end if
     varIncludeFile = varIncludeFile & ".inc"
     Session("TopicURI") = varTopicURI

     '' Stripping out possible ../../.. hacks
     varForwardSlash = InStrRev(varIncludeFile,"/",-1,1)
     varBackSlash = InStrRev(varIncludeFile,"\",-1,1)
     if (varForwardSlash < varBackSlash) then
         varIncludeFile = Right(varIncludeFile,(Len(varIncludeFile) - 
     elseif (varForwardSlash > varBackSlash) then
         varIncludeFile = Right(varIncludeFile,(Len(varIncludeFile) - 
     end if

     varPOS = 
     varPath = Left(Trim(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")),varPOS)

     varFileToRead = varPath & varIncludeFile

     Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     if fso.FileExists(varFileToRead) then
         Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(varFileToRead, 1)
         ReadAllTextFile =  f.ReadAll
         Out ReadAllTextFile
         varFileToRead = 
Trim(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")) & "notfound.inc"
         Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(varFileToRead, 1)
         ReadAllTextFile =  f.ReadAll
         Out ReadAllTextFile
     end if
     Set f = Nothing
     Set fso = Nothing

'' Print Out to Browser Sub Routine
'' Required Info Passed to Function: (varOut)
''   varOut = Output to the Browser
SUB Out(varOut)
     Response.Write varOut

Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

"Conformity is the refuge of the unimaginative."

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