[thelist] Marking up chapter.verse (or chapter.section)

Tim Luoma luomat at peak.org
Mon Dec 15 01:37:23 CST 2003

I'm trying to do this for Scripture (specifically the New Testament) but I 
suppose it would apply to a lot of things, especially legal documents 
which have chapters and sub-chapters.

I'm trying to figure out how to properly mark up the references using 
XHTML strict, both for styling purposes as well as reference.

To do this I would need to be able to reference by book, chapter, and 
verse.  Book is relatively easy, either link to chapter 1 or wrap the book 
in a DIV.

Chapter is easy, Matthew 1 becomes <a id="matthew1">Matthew 1</a>

Verses are where it all falls apart.  To quote a verse appropriate for the 
season (and hopefully without offense):

23 "Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name 
him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us."

Now that would normally be referred to as "Matthew 1:23"... I guess the 
question is how to mark it up.  I suppose this is where XML might come in 
handy if I wanted to start making up my own tags

<q>Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name
him Emmanuel,</q> which means, <q>God is with us.</q>

That doesn't seem like a particularly good idea, not to mention the fact 
that it would take something like 5 years to code it all.

So... I guess that leaves me with XHTML strict so that I can use tools to
extract information out of it with some precision... but I'm stuck as to 
how it should be marked up.  Here's my goal:

1) Be able to style the verse number (23, in the example above).  I assume 
this means wrapping it in a tag of its own... is there anything better 
than: <span class="verse">23</span> ?

2) Be able to link to a verse.  This could be an ID if unique.... 
<span id="matthew1verse23" class="verse">23</span>

3) Be able to parse out a verse or range of verses (i.e. 20-23) which I 
guess depends on having a parser smart enough to figure out the markup we 

For example, in #2 just above,  that wouldn't be helpful verse 23 is 
just the verse number, it isn't the verse itsel... so I guess that should be:

<span id="matthew1verse23">
<span class="verse">23</span>
"Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name
him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us."

I guess I was hoping for something with a little more semantic value, but 
perhaps it doesn't exist.

Anyway, like I said it must be the same issue others have dealt with for 
legal documents, etc which use similar reference patterns.  What have 
others done to deal with it?

Thanks all

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