[thelist] A good website management system

Megan Golding mgolding at secureworks.com
Mon Jan 12 13:12:58 CST 2004

> From: Cosmin G [mailto:cosming at as.ro]

> I'm planning to create a website similar to www.experts-exchange.com .
> Anyone know of a good CMS that will allow me to achieve that? 

You can get lots of the features you need in phpBB (http://www.phpbb.com/)
or vBulletin (http://www.vbulletin.com/), which are Open Source. 

phpBB seems to have a sizable developer community writing plugins called
MODs. I see one right now that handles banner ad stuff. 

You may also consider Invision (http://www.invisionboard.com/), a commercial
product. The LockerGnome forums are on an Invision board and I really like
the way they operate.

Megan Golding -- Webmaster -- SecureWorks -- (404) 486-4452
             Rock-solid Internet security. 
             No hassles. No headcount. No capital outlay.

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