[thelist] Recommendations for a database driven website

Rodrigo Galindez rodrigo at cedha.org.ar
Mon Feb 2 12:55:17 CST 2004

Hi evolters,
   Im migrating an offline employee manager system (like bumeran.com for
example) to a online, database-driven web site that will use a big database
schema, with about 2GB of data inside. Today the offline database is handled
offline by a SQL Server, but, we plan to move it to mySQL, because the
difference in costs (hosting) is huge.
  My question is: Do you recommend mySQL for large web site developing ? I
mean, is mySQL stable, with that amount of data ? Is mySQL stable with a
large amount of transactions ? We thought in PHP to develop the server side
code ... What language do you recommend for server side scripting in
projects of this caracteristics ?

Rodrigo Galindez
Information Management Assistant
Center for Human Rights and Environment
Gral Paz 186 10 A
5000 - Cordoba - Argentina
Tel/fax 54-351-4256278
rodrigo at cedha.org.ar

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