[thelist] Looking for free or low cost instant messenger in a .NET or ASP solution

Joe Crawford joe at artlung.com
Tue Mar 23 09:30:48 CST 2004

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, f g wrote:
> I am trying to build a site and I would like to utilize an instant
> messenger so that my users can communicate with one another as part of
> the service.  In an ieal world this will include video as well, but I am
> happy with traditional text based IM for phase 1.
> In addition I am building the site out in C# and ASP.NET, so I am
> looking for a solution that would work well with that.  If you know of
> any good articles on this I could also try and see about writing this,
> but would prefer to get something to use right away so I can hit the
> ground running.


Though I'm unsure if you need to have all your clients acquire accounts on
a service like AIM or MSN.

And as I re-read your question - might a solution simply be to communicate
other user's IM account names so that they themselves can use IM?


Joe "ArtLung" Crawford   AIM:artlung   Phone:619-516-4550
LAMP Host Evangelist, Web Designer, Web Developer, WebSanDiego.org List Guy
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