[thelist] 404 logging script change needed to add an IP lookup output

Ken Schaefer ken at adOpenStatic.com
Fri Mar 26 06:29:43 CST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John C Bullas (soton.ac.uk relay)" <jcbullas at nildram.co.uk>
To: <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [thelist] 404 logging script change needed to add an IP lookup

: At 11:34 26/03/2004, you wrote:
: >Look - have you considered:
: >a) reading a PHP manual -or- attempting to google some code
: >b) attempting to achieve this yourself
: >c) posting what you've tried, and the problems you've run into?
: >
: >I don't know a great deal about PHP, but personally I've helped people
: >who've made a systemic, and concerted effort, to help themselves.
: I will take a look at the URLs below however on first examination the
: incorporation
: of 120+ lines of PHP into my tiny 404 emailling script looks very daunting
: indeed ;(

No need to incorporate 120 lines. This bit seems the relevant bit (found by
searching for getHostByAddr)

function lookup($target){
    global $ntarget;
    $msg = "$target resolved to ";
    if( eregi("[a-zA-Z]", $target) )
        $ntarget = gethostbyname($target);
        $ntarget = gethostbyaddr($target);
    $msg .= $ntarget;

which I believe looks at what the user submitted in the form. It what user
submitted contains letters, then it assumes the user submited a domain name
and  it uses getHostByName to return the IP address of the domain. Otherwise
the user submitted and IP address, and it uses gethostByAddr() to do a DNS
lookup on the IP address.

Check the second link that I posted. That has a simple example.


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