[thelist] New search engine system: Eurekster

Steve Lewis nepolon at worlddomination.net
Tue Mar 30 18:27:32 CST 2004

James Aylard wrote:
>     Some won't have a problem with this, preferring highly targetted,
> personalized advertising to a generalized best guess. But others, such as I,
> may conclude that the benefit of this approach falls far more generously to
> eurekster than it does to me. Granted, there are some interesting concepts
> in eurekster's approach, but I'm too much the cynic to view them simply as
> tools to make my search experiences more fulfilling.
>     Certainly a wise approach, but realize that by using their
> personalization, you are handing them far more than your email address.
A very well written response, James.  Personally, I agree whole 
heartedly.  I am not an market segment, and I am not a target audience. 
  I do not want to be advertised to.  I have never entered a search term 
in a search engine looking for vendors of a product or service.  I have 
searched for vendors by name or by product name, but at that stage I am 
well beyond the stage of needing to shop around and find other vendors 
of related products.

<tip topic="document your deployment prodecures">
When a site nears time for a final testing phase, practice deploying it 
to a new server and take careful notes.  When you have some fixes or 
updates available be sure to document the steps to patch the target 
server.  Keep these documents in a subdirectory in your source 
managament system (such as CVS).

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