[thelist] Leading edge website wish list

David Dorward evolt at david.us-lot.org
Tue Apr 6 07:33:29 CDT 2004

On 5 Apr 2004, at 16:40, Tony Crockford wrote:
> Just supposing you had the time, what would you include in your 
> website must do wish list?
> Tableless layout with CSS?


> Semantic xhtml 1.0 strict?

HTML 4.01 Strict

> Sliding doors rounded tab navigation?

Cute, but unimportant. If rounded tab navigation was a design 
requirement then this would be the way.

> Acronym /ABBR tooltips?

Yes, if you scratch "tooltips". That is just a rendering technique used 
by some browsers, not the purpose.

> Accessibility features like tab index & access keys?

tabindex is a must if the site has weird tab order - but this is rare

I consider accesskeys harmful

> FIR?

Absolutely not. I'm yet to see a compelling reason to use this.

> What else?

The rest of WCAG :)

> Just thinking about a personal site makeover and want to include 
> everything cool and trendy, sad muppetty geek that I am.

RSS/ATOM feed if you update frequently enough

David Dorward

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