[thelist] SuckerFish Redux....

Simon Perry thelist at si-designs.co.uk
Tue Apr 20 13:40:14 CDT 2004

Anthony Baratta wrote:

> Since we are discussing the SuckerFish Menus, I've been playing with 
> them so they would support an additional tier. With a bit of flailing 
> around I was able to get it working very nicely in IE, but can not get 
> the third menu to appear properly in Mozilla.
> Here's where I have a copy of the page:
> http://www.baratta.com/test/dhtmlmenu.html
> It's really rough because it'a just a proof of concept. I think the 
> problem is with how Mozilla interprets the box model versus IE. e.g 
> Mozilla doesn't allow the third tier to show because that would 
> require the second tier box to expand side ways - where IE seems to 
> allow the third tier to "float" next to the second tier. Does that 
> make sense??
> Anywho - if anyone has a pointer to get the third menu to appear in 
> Mozilla I would appreciate it.
> FYI - The only menu options that currently have a "third" menu option 
> are Company : Principals, and Case Studies : College Board.

Mozilla is displaying the third layer underneath the second you can see 
the bottom of  "college board" poke underneath "case studies". If you 
comment out the background-color from '#topNav ul li a' you will see 
this. Setting position:relative on the any li with a submenu should fix it.


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