[thelist] Css font

Maximillian Schwanekamp anaxamaxan at neptunewebworks.com
Fri May 14 00:06:17 CDT 2004

>you should use pixel
>sizes not point sizes.. it will ensure more consistent display across

Kinda off the topic for this thread, but keep in mind that using pixel sizes
works against accessibility standards, since Win IE will not allow
text-resizing for visually-impaired folks when the page uses pixel sizing on
the font.  Font-size keywords, ems, percentages all work for accessibility
(as would a stylesheet font-size switcher if you must use pixels).


<tip type="Quick DOM Viewing in Mozilla" author="Maximillian Von
Everyone wades through "View Source" from time to time when developing for
the web.  However, if your page really complex or has elements
changing/being created via client-side scripting, you can use a feature in
Mozilla to view the a selection of the DOM at any given moment, without
using any plugins or favelets.  Select some content on your page (some of it
must be textual) and right-click (or equivalent), and select "View Selection
Source."  Mozilla will present a very readable excerpt that can be very
handy at times.

Maximillian Von Schwanekamp
Dynamic Websites and E-Commerce
voice: 541-302-1438
fax: 208-730-6504

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