[thelist] Css font

italPASTA italPASTA at takas.lt
Fri May 14 08:47:47 CDT 2004

I've read somwhere an article by Jeffrey Zeldman (I suppose:) about specifying
font size in pixels and still ensuring accessibility. It's a pity I can't
remember the article's URL.


Friday, May 14, 2004, 8:06:17 AM, you wrote:

>>you should use pixel
>>sizes not point sizes.. it will ensure more consistent display across

> Kinda off the topic for this thread, but keep in mind that using pixel sizes
> works against accessibility standards, since Win IE will not allow
> text-resizing for visually-impaired folks when the page uses pixel sizing on
> the font.  Font-size keywords, ems, percentages all work for accessibility
> (as would a stylesheet font-size switcher if you must use pixels).

> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sizematters/

> <tip type="Quick DOM Viewing in Mozilla" author="Maximillian Von
> Everyone wades through "View Source" from time to time when developing for
> the web.  However, if your page really complex or has elements
> changing/being created via client-side scripting, you can use a feature in
> Mozilla to view the a selection of the DOM at any given moment, without
> using any plugins or favelets.  Select some content on your page (some of it
> must be textual) and right-click (or equivalent), and select "View Selection
> Source."  Mozilla will present a very readable excerpt that can be very
> handy at times.
> </tip>

> Maximillian Von Schwanekamp
> Dynamic Websites and E-Commerce
> www.NeptuneWebworks.com
> voice: 541-302-1438
> fax: 208-730-6504

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