[thelist] mod_rewrite REDIRECT_REDIRECT?

Gavin Montague gmontague at gmontague.co.uk
Wed May 26 05:59:26 CDT 2004

Morning All,

I'd be very grateful if someone could explain the following to me...

RewriteRule ^level_([0-9]+)\.php$ index.php [L,E=the_var:$1]

is a rule (the only rule infact) sitting on my server running 

So, I was expecting that, for 'level_123.php, I'd have access to
$_SERVER[ REDIRECT_the_var ] = 123
from my php script but what I actually get is
$_SERVER[ REDIRECT_ REDIRECT_ the_var ] = 123
and similarly I have
instead of

Is this correct?  To me the result implies that the redirect is somehow 
occuring twice.

Any clarification or suggestions would be extremely useful.


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