[thelist] CVS/SCM System for Webdevelopment

sbeam sbeam at syxyz.net
Wed Jun 2 10:23:26 CDT 2004

On Wednesday 02 June 2004 09:19 am, Burhan Khalid wrote:
>    The part that I'm really after is the ability to build websites
> from a source tree.  Sources would be .php, .jsp, .js, etc. files,
> and a command would (a) grab the latest branch/version of these files
> (b) automatically create a directory under a web root and finally (c)
> "build" if necessary -- what I mean by that is change paths,
> references, and so on so that the website is browsable.

If you are talking about changing relative paths in every src and href 
attribute, then I would suggest that you just use absolute paths and 
avoid that problem. If you can't, you could write a script (perl?) to 
do it for you and then run it on checkout/update - probably not as 
trivial as it sounds though.

>    It would be a great plus if the system was able to handle other
> non-web related files, and had friendly front-ends for both Linux and
> Windows systems.

Subversion does not have a WinCVS equivalent which has been a problem 
for some of my CLI-challenged friends [1]. Actually I am not sure 
subversion deserves to be above version 1.0 - we had 4 fatal database 
errors yesterday, which were recoverable, but it was a PITA. No telling 
what was causing it - the error messages given by subversion are 
designed to sow panic and fear rather than indicate the actual problem 
[2]. The documentation isn't finished. And the whole network model is 
OK but permissions on the repository will bite you [3] 

I was able to easily rename a directory though. That was kind of nice.

But I think we're going back to cvs for a while longer - if you can live 
with its quirks, it does everything you mention in your post.

just my printf('$%.2f', 2/100)

[1] there are GUIs but none out of beta
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-ocaml-maint/2003/10/msg00214.html
[3] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/svnbook/ch06s05.html


# S Beam - Web App Dev Servs
# http://www.onsetcorps.net/

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