[thelist] authentication and tracking

Ken Schaefer ken at adOpenStatic.com
Fri Jun 18 22:39:59 CDT 2004

Have you looked at ASP.NET?

You could use forms authentication to authenticate the users, and you could
write your own HTTPModule to process incoming requests, and take custom
actions (such as log information about user in each request to a database,
or redirect the user, or whatever):



From: "pouncyisdead" <pouncy_1 at hotmail.com>
Subject: [thelist] authentication and tracking

: I work for a site that supplies sports information.
: If our information gets leaked to other sites, we lose clients.
: I would like to authenticate and track users to my protected areas.
: I would also like to redirect users to alternative content, if they seem
: be involved in the leak.
: An isapi filter like iisprotect seemed to be the best choice for
: authentication,
: yet it doesn't track user logins or session times.
: Do any know of a product that does both?

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