[thelist] Client Updates to SSI .inc file

Seyon evoltlist at delime.com
Wed Jul 28 15:11:57 CDT 2004

Message from Bob Haroche (7/28/2004 02:56 PM)
> > Can't you use a form for them to input the data and write a simple
> > server-side script (ASP/PHP) to append the data to the inc file?
>Yeah, could do that, but newly added stores would need to be added in
>alphabetical order (first by state, then by store name), not simply appended
>to the end of the file. Is there a simple scripting technique to do that?

I'm looking at the simplest solutions here, not necessarily the most 
elegant. Load the inc file into a text box in the form and have them edit 
and save it.

Or you could probably use arrays to include the new record in the correct 
order then overwrite the inc file with the updated list.

You might want to ask yourself how often new shops need to be added and 
whether the investment in a database might not be cheaper in the long run 
than the time to manually sort and update this list.


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